How to Return an In-Warranty Hermetic Compressor
Each replacement hermetic compressor is shipping with an orange warranty tag included in the box. If the compressor is to be installed as an In-Warranty replacement, the orange tag must be filled out and attached to the failed compressor. Please do not cover up the compressor rating plate.
In addition, the failed compressor must be sealed for shipping if it has to be returned for analysis. The best way is to soldier or braze short stubs of copper tubing in the suction and discharge ports, and then crimp and braze the stubs. This makes it easier for the factory to run test the failed compressor as the crimped stubs are easily removed.
Only selected In-Warranty compressors need to be returned to RJ Murracy Company. Your company's warranty administrator can determine this by entereing the claim via Service Bench on HVAC Partners, or by calling Sarah Moore at 518-690-4455.
Also, remember Service Bench requires customer information, application information, and failure modes. When the claim is entered, the system will assign it a claim number.
Questions? Please contact us.