Carrier Controls Training Media
This web page has been designed to host various Carrier Controls training items - from powerpoints to videos. Whether it be Carrier i-Vu, 3V or Open controls, you can use these videos to self-teach or in some cases these items are prerequisites for other Controls Training you may be interested in taking.
Carrier trains, tests, and certifies HVAC contractors to be experts in building controls. Find more information on controls training and the i-Vu building automation system here.
Video Trainings:
I-Vu Open System BACnet MS/TP Networks Bus Wiring - This video covers the configuration, setup, installation, start-up and wiring for a BACnet MS-TP network that will provide the best network performance with i-Vu Open controllers.
i-Vu Open Systems IP & MS/TP Networks & Addressing & Open Contollers on 3rd Party Systems - This video covers i-Vu Open System: MS/TP Networks, TCP/IP Networks, Addressing and i-Vu Open Controllers & 3rd Party Systems special considerations